Privacy Policy

The Knowledge Market maintains important relationships with many entities on campus through the sharing of information recorded after consultations; this information is de-identified prior to sharing. The KM services can share some information about specific students with Academic and Student Affairs faculty and staff upon request; however, informed consent is required for sharing copies of the Student Session Summary

Copies of the Student Session Summary 只有在没有学生同意的情况下才能分享 exceptions:

  1. In the event a student brings in a take home exam, wherein consultants are required to send a copy of the Student Session Summary to the professor  
  2. In the instance of a professor-required visit; professors are allowed to check in on the progress for grading purposes
  3. 在职位较高的办公室(院长、系)中 (主管)调查不满、投诉或关注的问题
  4. 在你或他人面临明显且迫在眉睫的危险时, which will be reported through the Care Report system
  5. In the event of 报告最近的性侵犯/暴力或其他暴力犯罪 that 发生在校园内,在宿舍设施,在非校园财产 utilized by the institution, 以及校园附近的公共财产”,这是教育法第九条规定的
  6. In the event of 报告“违反学术诚信、偏见事件或违反学生行为”” as defined by Public Incident Reporting at GVSU

Identifiable information from the Student Session Summary that can be shared without informed consent (under implied consent) include:

  • Attendance
  • Dates of attendance
  • Service used
  • Competencies worked on (check box information)
  • Activities and next step (summary of the narrative)

The Exit Survey is private and will not be shared even upon request; the results from the survey will be retained in aggregate and never be connected to individual clients.

Fellow students and/or group members will only receive information from the Student Session Summary if the client-student provides informed consent; no information can be shared about a specific student with another student without informed consent. 

Student Peer Consultants are not permitted 与服务外部的任何个人讨论会话的细节. This would be in violation of FERPA. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 更具体地说,学生会议的总结被保留下来 you; if you’d like to have a receipt from your visit or record of 讨论了什么,会议总结是唯一保留的工件吗 record. When your session ends, a copy will be sent to your student email automatically. 
  • 我们保留项目管理和评估服务的记录 一致性,安全考虑,项目责任,员工 reflection, and adhering to or designing best practices; if any 信息是共享的,它将被总结或去识别,除非 您已同意共享该副本(请参阅常见问题解答#7) list of exceptions).
  • Records include: student name, email, class associated with 会议(如适用),会议的日期和时间,地点 会议,以及你的成就和目标确定的细节 your session (documented in the Student Session Summary, and co-created by you and your consultant)
  • Responses to the satisfaction survey will be retained in aggregate; your responses will not be connected to your personal records.
  • 我们的系统会保留您的记录长达4年 your last consultation; after which, they will be purged from our system.
  • Of course! At the end of each session, a copy of your session 摘要将被发送到你的学生邮箱,之后你可以 share with any outside audience. You are also prompted to share your 课程总结与你的课程相关的教授在 每次咨询结束前,你和你的顾问填写 the session summary.
  • 如果在治疗之外的任何时间你想要 copy, you may request that it be sent. In other words, you have the 随时与任何人分享信息的权力.
  • 如果合格的GVSU教师或工作人员要求的副本 您的会话总结,您还没有提供许可,您 是否有机会在发送副本前给予同意. 同意分享一份会议摘要的副本 consultation DOES NOT apply to other consultations. Your permission, therefore, will have to be granted for each instance.
  • 可能要求获得会议摘要副本的人员 这样做的专业原因包括:教授相关 with your class, unit heads (LINK), advisors, and/or coaches (Academic & Student Affairs Faculty and Staff). In other words, 任何对你的教育成就感兴趣的人都可能是某人 with whom you could share. 
  • 请注意,提出教育原因时,做 索取资料并不保证能取得资料的副本 student session summary; in this instance, we would still require 在分享您的会议总结记录之前,您的同意. See FAQ #4 for more information about data sharing.
  • 知识市场必须考虑其背后的教育原因 访问会议中信息的专业请求 summary in order to be compliant with FERPA. 教授(和顾问或教练)可以提出请求 for educational reasons, and we consider those to include the following: 
    • Checking in on assignment engagement (participation)
    • Checking in on a professor/advisor/coach suggestion for a visit (participation)
    • Checking in on educational progress (learning)
    • Confirming an aspect of an assignment requirement (graded)
    • Confirming a required visit to one of the services (graded)
  • 知识市场尊重您的隐私,认为您是 owner of the complete session summary composed during your consultation. We require your consent before copies of session summaries are shared with any outside audience. 
  • When discussing consultations with outside audiences, the 知识市场服务共享大量无法识别的信息 with those who have institutional or programmatic interest.
  • 我们定期公布或应要求提供的记录包括 the following:
    • Number of consultations per service and per location
    • Demographics on student populations of interest (first-year students vs. graduating students; number of students from particular programs; number of classroom presentations; etc.)
    • Retention impact data and aggregate survey result percentages
    • Unidentifiable highlights from sessions: trends or general 可能对教授感兴趣或有帮助的信息 (e.g. how many students from their classes have used the service; which assignments we often see at the Knowledge Market and whether any patterns of misunderstanding have occurred; etc.).
  • 如果教授询问你的咨询信息,那么 您尚未同意共享您的会话副本 综上所述,我们可以共享以下可识别信息:
    • Attendance of your session
    • 主题复选框信息,从您的会议记录,如果相关的
    • Brief summary from the Student Session Summary, if relevant 

知识市场服务可能共享您的 session summary without your consent include:

  • In the event a student brings in a take home exam, wherein consultants are required to send a copy of the Student Session Summary to the professor  
  • In the instance of a professor-required visit; professors are allowed to check in on the progress for grading purposes
  • 在职位较高的办公室(院长、系)中 (主管)调查不满、投诉或关注的问题
  • In the event of clear and imminent danger to yourself or of another person, which will be reported through the Care Report system
  • In the event of reporting recent sexual assault/violence or other violent crimes that 发生在校园内,在宿舍设施,在非校园财产 由机构使用,并在公共财产毗邻 campus” as defined by Title IX
  • In the event of reporting “违反学术诚信、偏见事件或学生行为 violations” as defined by Public Incident Reporting at GVSU

Page last modified October 10, 2023