


研究 consultants are highly-trained students ready to help 你 improve 你r library research skills. 研究 consultants can help 你:

  • 头脑风暴的话题
  • Find information 使用 library databases, government websites, and 谷歌
  • 阅读并评价研究成果
  • Fact-check information provided by AI
  • Understand terms like "peer-reviewed" and "scholarly"
  • Differentiate between primary and secondary sources
  • Integrate research into 你r writing and projects
  • Create annotated bibliographies
  • 引用来源 

使 一个约会



Mary Idema Pew Library (Allendale)



10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.




10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


What to Expect in a Consultation

研究 consultants are available to work with 你 online or in-person at the Mary Idema Pew Library in Allendale. 两种媒介, a consultant will meet with 你 one-on-one for 30 minutes to discuss 你r research project. The content of every session is different because consultants are focused on 你r individual needs. 

Consultations are most productive if 你:

  • 准备好作业单
  • Come prepared with specific questions
  • Leave plenty of time to work on 你r project before it's due

Expect a friendly conversation with a highly-trained peer that will end with a plan for improving 你r project. Feel free to come back with new drafts of 你r project or more questions!

Click the link below to make an appointment or join our virtual drop-in queue. We look forward to working with 你!




研究 consultants are students who have been selected through a rigorous hiring process, demonstrating strong interpersonal and research skills. 一旦雇佣了, they participate in a comprehensive training program that includes a two-day orientation, biweekly mentor group meetings, and ongoing professional workshops. They receive training in library research, including:

  • 头脑风暴的策略
  • Finding information 使用 library databases, government websites, and 谷歌
  • Reading and evaluating research
  • Understanding terms like "peer-reviewed" and "scholarly"
  • Differentiating between primary and secondary sources
  • Creating annotated bibliographies
  • Citing sources and avoiding plagiarism

Consultants also learn peer consulting strategies. They are trained to offer options and guidance while giving 你 full control of the consultation. We're here to help, but the decisions are 你rs.

If 你 have any questions about our hiring or training methods, please contact 詹妮弗Torreano, Director of the 知识市场.

与研究顾问会面! Visit our page to read about our staff.


我们会帮你的! You can find guide sheets, topic ideas, and helpful links in our 资源市场.



We have a variety of options for 你 to choose from to have a consultation that meets 你r needs. We'll meet 你 in person or online, and 你 can schedule an appointment in advance or drop by during open hours. If 你 need additional accommodations or have questions, please use the button below to contact 詹妮弗Torreano, Director of the 知识市场. We look forward to working with 你!


Appointments are 30- or 50-minute consultations that are reserved for 你. 创建一个约会。

  1. 登录  使用 你r Blackboard username and password
  2. Click on "New Appointment" at the top
  3. Select the service 你 would like 
  4. Use the form to choose the details for 你r appointment and click “确认 & 在弹出框中

使 一个约会

Drop-ins are 30-minute consultations that take place in the order in 哪些学生为他们而来. 一切都是一样的 appointment except 你 may need to wait for a consultant to become available.

For an in-person drop-in: tell the receptionist 你'd like a drop-in consultation.


  1. 登录书
  2. Click on "Virtual Drop-in" at the top of the page
  3. 选择您想要的服务
  4. 接受隐私政策
  5. 按“进入预约排队”

Refresh the My Appointments page periodically so 你'll see the "Enter Appointment" button pop up when 你r consultant is 准备好开始了. 这个按钮将会 你 to a 谷歌 满足 room for 你的咨询.

加入 入座排队

是的, the 图书馆研究中心 provides online consultations so 你 can access our services from wherever 你 are! 我们使用 谷歌 满足, which is a video chat platform in the 谷歌 Suite. 这是 a free service to 你 as a Grand Valley student; just be sure to use 你的学生Gmail帐户. The features available include: 

  • Video
  • Audio
  • 屏幕共享
  • 闲谈,聊天
  • 文档分享
  • 字幕

To have a virtual consultation, make an appointment or join the 使用书加入队列. Refresh the My Appointments page periodically so 你'll see the "Enter Appointment" button pop up when 你r consultant is 准备好开始了. 这个按钮将会 你 to a 谷歌 满足 room for 你的咨询.

开始 虚拟咨询

是的! At the end of 你r session, 你r consultant will ask if 你'd like a copy of 你r session notes sent to 你r professor. 一份副本 automatically be emailed to 你 as well, so 你 can forward it if 你 选择以后共享.

For questions about how 你r session notes are stored and can be 分享,请阅读我们的 隐私政策.

When the 图书馆研究中心 is hiring, our application will be 张贴于本网页. Applications typically go live for the 次年一月.

Page last modified April 26, 2024