General Information

上大学,尤其是在美国,既令人兴奋,也令人生畏. 我们知道你有很多问题,我们在这里帮助指导你. 请花时间查看本页的信息,并通过电子邮件告知我们出现的问题 [email protected] 

On this page:


Visa Advice

When to apply:
一旦你收到I-20,你就可以申请签证了, paid the required SEVIS fee at www.fmjfee.com美国驻贵国大使馆已经开始接受非移民签证预约.  详情请查看您所在国家的美国大使馆网站:

Issues applying on time:
Please email Astin Martin [email protected] 有关如何推迟或申请GVSU未来学期的详细信息.

Recommendations for the interview:
准备好表明你在学术上和经济上都是进入美国的强有力的候选人. 你必须能够说服签证官,你在GVSU的特定学位将对你在本国的未来产生影响. 我们相信,在此期间,财务状况将受到严格审查.

详细的流程和建议可以在签证建议ppt上找到 Get Ready page

Booking Flights

We highly recommend new students fly into Grand Rapids airport: Gerald R. Ford International, code GRR. 不建议先飞往芝加哥或底特律等较大的机场,然后再乘坐公共交通工具.

大急流城机场很小,有一个有用的咨询台, only 5 baggage carousels, and taxi services on-site. 


Airport Transportation Suggestions

Suggested Airport Transportation Options 

  • a local taxi company such as Metro Cab (616) 827-6500 or Yellow Cab (616) 459-4646  (cost varies, review cash and card options)
  • Uber或Lyft等交通应用(价格不一)需要提前下载, review cash and card options)
  • A trusted local resource V's Anytime chauffeur service LLC, 616-406-9664

从大急流城机场出发,不能选择公共汽车和火车. 请提前预订交通工具或在抵达后等待出租车.

Travel Advice

Keep all important documents with you at all times. 这包括护照、I-20、航班行程、处方、保险卡等. Do not put these items in your checked bags. They should be with you. 

If you are bringing any prescription drugs to the United States, 你必须随身携带处方的英文翻译本. Keep these with you in your carry on (not in your checked bag). 如果你在这里需要处方,你的保险公司 LewerMark will be able to assist with questions about refills.

让你的家人知道,在你计划到达的时间之后,可能需要24小时才能与他们取得联系. 让你自己和你的家人放心,即使这需要比预期更长的时间, you will be in touch as soon as you can!

Traveling with Cash


GVSU On-Campus Housing
作为一名国际学生,我们鼓励你住在校园里. Visit the Grand Valley Housing website to apply. When applying, use the transfer application 获得公寓风格的选择,包括厨房. 申请大一的学生必须住在宿舍式的单位里. Laker Village 强烈推荐,因为大多数国际学生都住在这个社区, it is at the midway price point, and it is home to the International House. Students will need to provide a home address if possible. If the application will not accept your address, 请使用帕德诺斯国际中心地址:帕德诺斯国际中心, 130 LOH Allendale, MI 49401.

Off-Campus Housing
If on-campus housing does not fit your needs, off campus housing is also available. In addition to the linked page, 国际空间站团队整理了这张艾伦代尔附近的校外公寓清单, Health, and Grand Rapids/Pew Campuses:

Off-Campus Apartments

Please note, 住在校外要求学生对自己的住房情况完全负责——我们支持选择校外住房的学生的能力有限.

Course Registration

Undergraduate 学生的学术顾问将在5月或6月(秋季)或11月(冬季)联系学生注册课程. Be sure you respond to emails in a timely manner, 因为在到达大峡谷之前有一个固定的课程安排是很重要的.

Graduate 学生应在5月或6月(秋季)或11月(冬季)联系自己的学术顾问。. 所有的学生都应该在国际新生入学前上课. 在入职培训期间,有可能在最后一刻做出修改, 但是当你到达大峡谷的时候,你应该有一个固定的时间表.

GVSU不再要求学生、教职员工接种疫苗. Standard vaccinations (结核病、脊髓灰质炎、破伤风、MMR、水痘等). Recommended vaccines are available at the GVSU Family Health Center.   

Due to federal regulations at health care organizations, 有实习机会的健康和健康相关专业的学生仍然需要接种COVID疫苗或遵循清单上列出的例外程序 health compliance website.    

Traveling with Cash

美国海关和移民局要求任何人携带10美元进入美国,在入境时用FinCEN表格105申报现金或以上的美元. 如果你打算用现金支付学费,请考虑通过汇款方式 Convera instead or bringing a demand draft. These are much safer methods. If you do not declare the money you are bringing with you, 你可能会被罚款,而且所有的钱都可能被永久没收。. 

Connect with Current Students

通过ISS与其他国际学生联系,我们建议您遵循以下步骤 GViStudents on Instagram. Visit Laker Link to find student organizations you may be interested in joining.

Meal Plan

By purchasing a meal plan through the university, 你每周可以在任何校园用餐地点用餐. Meal plans may be purchased through the Laker Food Co. website. More information can also be found in the Understanding GVSU Meal Plans document.

Cell Phones

We recommend you purchase a pay-as-you-go plan upon arrival. After you have received your Social Security number,你可以为你的手机购买服务合同. 在规定的国际学生迎新期间,手机运营商将在校园.

Health Insurance

所有国际学生都需要通过LewerMark购买我们的强制性健康保险. This page on our website has more information about it.

New International Students are required to pay the full balance of their Student Account by the payment deadline at 5:00pm EST; payment plans are possible the first semester. Log into MyBanner to view your student account. 请注意,在学生注册课程之前,帐户不会收取学费.

Details on payment methods are on the Tuition page. 

Page last modified May 13, 2024