

三种通识教育课程:基础(9门课程), 文化(2门课程), 与问题(2门课程). 看到 通识教育课程手册 了解更多信息. 

使用 横幅 查看您的硕士学位审核报告.

In most cases, a course can be used to fulfill a GE requirement and a major/小 requirement. 请检查您的具体专业/辅修要求. 

有些课程不止是通识教育的必修课程. GPY 235, for example, counts for both Social and Behavioral Sciences and Global Perspectives. 课程可以在基础与文化或问题与文化之间双向倾斜. 然而,课程不能在基础和问题之间双底.

我有大峡谷大学(或任何其他机构)的学士学位。. Do I have to complete the General Education requirements to complete another degree?
学生 with a bachelor's degree (from any college) have completed their General Education requirements. 他们需要完成该项目的第二学位/专业要求.

No. 问题课程有一个 学历要求.

No. 问题课程必须在GVSU或通过国外学习.


There is no minimum grade requirement for General Education classes except for WRT 130 and WRT 150, 要求C(不是C-)或更高. 慢波睡眠课程也需要C或更高的成绩.

通识教育课程可分为学分/无学分(CR/NC)。.  但是,下列条件适用:

  • 最低成绩达到C(不是C-)或更高才能获得学分(CR)。
  • Some majors, 小s, or certificate programs may have additional requirements regarding CR/NC. 请在进行前核对.
  • 本科生最多可以选择10个学时的专业, 小, or cognate 课程 to be taken as CR/NC only with the consent of the student's major department.
  • A maximum of 25% of a student's Grand Valley credit hours earned to fulfill graduation requirements may be taken as CR/NC.

If I placed in a language course higher than 202 can I still get Global Perspectives credit?
是的,如果你选的课程高于202分的话. You must have the Modern Languages Department contact us with your name and the course (above the 202 level) you took in lieu of 202. 

我可以用生活经验(工作经验)吗, 志愿者, 服兵役)算作通识教育课程?
虽然生活经历在你的教育中非常有价值, 他们不符合通识教育的要求.

Can I test out of a General Education requirement through a departmental proficiency exam?

Can I use AP, CLEP, or International Baccalaureate credits to fulfill General Education requirements?
这是可能的. If you receive a high enough score, you may fulfill some of the General Education requirements. 更多博天堂官方网页 考试学分 在博天堂官方.

我可以使用独立学习吗, 实习, 实习, 合作社, 研究, 或类似类型的课程,以满足通识教育的要求?
No. 然而, these 课程 can often be used to fulfill a requirement in your major, 小, or emphasis.

No. Advisors and faculty members CANNOT make substitutions in the 通识教育课程.

Although 慢波睡眠 is not a General Education requirement, it is a University requirement. 更多博天堂官方网页 慢波睡眠.


我如何完成MTH 110的先决条件?
数学系信息 满足MTH 110的先决条件.

我怎样才能达到Junior Standing的先决条件?
在班级排名方面,三年级学生被定义为获得55-84学分的学生.  进行先决条件检查, you must have completed at least 55 credits before taking the course. 但是,你可以在期末学分还没修完的时候注册这门课程. MyPath will count the credits completed and the credits currently being taken at the time of registration. 不包括秋季学期和冬季学期的学分.  

You must have completed 55 credits to enroll in 300-400 level Seidman College of Business 课程.  如果你是非商科专业,成绩为2.5 .总GPA,请将您的姓名、g号、课程和学期发邮件至 (电子邮件保护) 申请注册许可申请注册许可.  二级录取标准适用于商科专业.  


是的. 请参阅 出国留学.  

Most 课程 taken abroad can count for 问题 credit if they do not fulfill a Foundation requirement.  这需要完成 留学事宜建议表 在返回时,而不是出发前,写下反思.  

You may be able to use a study abroad taken at another college or university to fulfill some of the General Education requirements. 电子邮件 基因.

Am I required to secure the departmental approval for each study abroad course before submitting my study abroad 问题 form to the General Education office? 
有些课程已经得到了我们的预先批准 留学项目 如果课程不在列表上, you must secure departmental approval for each course prior to submitting your General Education (GE) 问题 出国留学 Course Approval form.

是的. 如果你在国外完成的课程符合主要或次要要求, 它也可以用来满足通识教育问题的要求.

我有可能获得Global Perspectives的学分吗, 问题, 还有我的专业和一门国外课程?
是的. With the appropriate approvals, you can earn credit for all three requirements with one course.

我不在艾伦代尔校区. 我可以通过电子方式提交留学事宜表吗?
是的. 所有问题的形式和反思必须通过网上提交 出国留学

I am taking a course abroad that has been approved to fulfill a Foundations requirement. 我可以用这门课程来完成基础和课题的要求吗?
No. 学生 will not receive approval for a course to count as a General Education Foundations requirement and a General Education 问题 requirement. You will have to choose which requirement you would like to have met once you have completed the course.

是的. The criteria for receiving approval for the Study Abroad 问题 requirement are outlined on the Study Abroad 问题 form.

  • 在国外完成的课程必须被批准为GVSU的三学分课程.
  • The course cannot fulfill a General Education Foundations requirement nor can the course be an independent study, 独立阅读, 或研究.
  • If you are participating in a faculty-led program or are taking less than six credits abroad, your two 问题 课程 must be from two different academic disciplines/course prefixes.
  • 如果一门课程在两个学科/课程前缀中交叉列出, 你的第二门课程必须取自第三门学科/课程前缀. 

我可以选修摄影、舞蹈、绘画、实习等课程吗. 满足留学问题的要求?

是的. The criteria for receiving approval for the Study Abroad 问题 requirement are outlined on the Study Abroad 问题 form.

  • 你在国外完成的课程必须被批准为GVSU的三学分课程.
  • The course cannot fulfill a General Education Foundations requirement nor can the course be an independent study, 独立阅读, 或研究.
  • If you are participating in a faculty-led program or are taking less than six credits abroad, your two 问题 课程 must be from two different academic disciplines/course prefixes.
  • 如果一门课程在两个学科/课程前缀中交叉列出, 你的第二门课程必须取自第三门学科/课程前缀. 


是的. 学生 who transfer to Grand Valley with the MTA/MACRAO approved associate of arts or science degree from a 密歇根 public community college have satisfied the Foundation Categories of the 通识教育课程 and one Supplemental Writing Skills (慢波睡眠) course. 然而, transfer students with an MTA/MACRAO are required to complete the following requirements 在博天堂官方:

  • 一门慢波睡眠课程
  • 两门课程的通识教育课程文化重点要求
  • 两门课程的要求

I transferred here from another institution and I think that one of my 课程 might count toward my General Education requirements. 我该去哪里找呢?
使用一个 学生关注表格 然后按照说明提交表格以供审查. 转移相等 may help determine if a specific course from another institution will transfer to GVSU. 问题课程必须在GVSU学习.

我的写作课程是否可以转到GVSU,相当于WRT 150?

  • WRT 150 evaluations now take the transfer grade into consideration and will award WRT 150 only for a grade of C or above.
  • 成绩达到C-的学生, D, 或D+在转学课程将获得WRT一般学分转学.
  • As always, students who obtain a grade of D- or F will not receive any credit in transfer.
  • Special considerations may be made for students who were admitted prior to Fall 2016 regarding the WRT 150 versus WRT general credit decision. 这些请求仍应直接提交给记录办公室.


如果你是在2014-2015学年之前入学的, Theme 课程 you had previously taken will count toward your new 问题-only 通识教育课程 requirements.

任何未满足的主题要求现在将被满足 问题 课程.

  • 问题课程必须在GVSU学习.
  • 问题课程有大三的先决条件. 在班级排名方面,三年级学生被定义为获得55-84学分的学生. 进行先决条件检查, a student must have completed or will have completed at least 55 credits prior to taking the course. 然而,他们可以在最后学分进行时注册这门课.


If you started in the Honors College before Fall 2020 please see the General Education course equivalencies below.
