实习 play a key component in helping students apply the theoretical foundations they are learning 在 教室 to real-work situations. Although Gr和 Valley does not have a university-wide internship policy, a finely tuned internship program contains key processes that will be discussed in this guide. It is our hope that you will be able to tailor this information to fit your academic 和 departmental needs. 

Whether your department/unit already has a highly functional internship program, or you are starting from scratch, it is our hope that you will find this guide to be a helpful resource. 

employer 和 student shaking h和s at career fair



短期实习(通常是一学期) 学生有机会获得宝贵的实践经验 他们的研究/兴趣领域,有许多无价的好处 only the student, but can enrich academic programs, satisfy the 地区雇主的需求.


GVSU没有全校范围的实习项目,但是 position to be considered an internship, the following criteria should 他遇见(NACE, 2011):

  • 这种体验必须是课堂的延伸:一种学习 提供应用在…中获得的知识的经验 教室. It must not be simply to advance the operations of the employer or the work that a regular employee would routinely perform.
  • 体验有明确的开始和结束(通常是一个) semester in length or 15 weeks), a job description with desired qualifications.
  • 有明确定义的学习目标/相关目标 professional goals of the student’s academic coursework.
  • 有专业人士监督,最好是有专业知识的人 和 educational 和/or professional background 在 field of 经验. 
  • 的re is routine feedback by the supervisor 和 a formal evaluation conducted at the 结束 of the 经验. 
  • 有资源,设备和设施提供的 employer that 支持 学习目标/goals.
  • 的 经验 does not take place in a private home.



学生实习生负责搜索、申请和申请 接受实习. This is great practice for when they graduate 和 are looking for full-time employment. 这是学生的 responsibility to ensure that their academic department will approve the 经验 for academic credit, as well as submit all appropriate paperwork by the appropriate deadlines.

Although the student will be working for their interning organization, it is also important they remember they are representing GVSU 和 their academic department. 为 this reason, all students should act in a professional 和 ethical manner 和 will be held to the provisions outlined 在 学生手册 (教员) internship coordinator may want to reiterate). 


的 site or field supervisor is responsible for overseeing the work 学生实习生. Ideally, this person will serve as a mentor to 学生,提供了有用的建议,行业和方法 在这个领域取得成功. It is also important for this person to have 有实习领域的经验和知识. 为 例如,如果雇主正在找人创建营销 商标,通常对学生来说更有意义如果它们是 interning for someone who has a graphic design or marketing background.

的 site supervisor should also provide feedback on the intern’s work throughout the duration of the internship. This can be done informally but should consist of at least one written evaluation. 我们建议 two evaluations - one halfway through the internship, one at the 结束. 就业中心确实会发出征求中期反馈的请求 和 final employer 和 student evaluations for many campus 部门/单位. Additional information on the Internship 管理 System (IMS) can be found below.


Faculty Internship Coordinator

学院实习协调员负责帮助 intern integrate 他们的实习 into their total academic 经验. 这对……很重要 intern to meet with their faculty internship coordinator prior to starting the internship to make sure 实习将计入学分,只能是 经学院批准. This will also help the student underst和 the assignments required throughout the semester. 教师实习 协调员也可以作为一种有用的资源来确定 possible internship sites 和 locations that would appropriately fit the student’s academic 和 professional needs. 

Throughout the semester, the faculty internship coordinator will keep 与实习生保持联系,为他们提供指导和/或 支持. 与现场主管取得联系也很重要 at least once during the internship. At the 结束 of the semester, the 教师将根据作业评估实习生的学习情况, 现场主管的评估和反馈,并提交 最终成绩.



职业生涯 Center is the general resource at GVSU for those involved with the internship process - students, employers, faculty.  我们有一个 工作人员的专业顾问可以帮助学生 preparation for finding 和 completing an internship. 重新开始 帮助,面试建议,以及寻找实习机会的技巧 通过上门拜访、一对一预约和研讨会提供 整个学年. Programming such as career fairs, career community based fairs, panel presentations are also put on by the 就业中心,让学生与潜在雇主建立联系. In addition, we are consistently meeting with employers to create more internship opportunities for students.



就像其他课程一样,实习课程也应该有一个 课程教学大纲. This will help the student underst和 the requirements of the internship 和 gain an underst和ing of what they should be learning throughout the course of 他们的实习. Dep结束ing on the size of your program, this might be something each faculty internship coordinator reviews individually with the student intern, or used in an internship seminar (which will be discussed in 详情如下).

Internship Agreement 为m/Contract

To legitimatize 和 formalize the internship arrangement between the student, employer, 大学, it is important to have all parties sign an Internship Agreement 为m. Some departments have created their own forms; however, the 职业中心 has created an online system for overseeing this process called the Internship 管理 System (IMS). 的 departments utilizing IMS have predominantly found it to be easier 和 more efficient than using a paper form. 


在学生实习之初,很重要的一点是 them to develop a set of 学习目标. 这最好在室内完成 与他们的现场主管合作,这样他们就可以建立 帮助他们实现目标的具体项目/任务 客观的. As the faculty internship coordinator, you can then review the 客观的s 和 make suggestions as needed. 这是有帮助的 学习目标 to be both academic - 和 career-driven as this will help the student begin to see 和 apply theoretical application 可转移技能(i.e.: gain a better underst和ing of the societal effects of a community garden 在 Southwest area of 大急流城 develop public speaking skills).


Reflective assignments help the student connect what they are doing in 他们的实习 to theories 和 concepts they have learned 在 教室. Active, intentional, critical reflection is what helps transform the work 经验 into a learning 经验 (Sweitzer 和 王,2018). Reflective assignments can include:

  • 日志(通过结构化提示或非结构化自由格式)
  • 作品集/电子作品集展示工作和学习的样本 outcomes, final projects
  • 最后一篇反思文章
  • Employer/intern evaluation
  • 经验的呈现

的 GVSU’s 职业中心 manages a website called 经历很重要 这为实习生们提供了分享经验的空间 其他人. 的 student’s name 和 联系 information is not shared publicly on the website, however faculty internship coordinators are 能够从安全的管理访问站点查看它们. 请 联系 瑞秋Becklin 在 就业中心,如果你有兴趣把它纳入你的 实习课.



研讨班是典型的小组会议 实习的学生. 的y are moderated by a faculty member 和 can be weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly. 的se seminars allow the students to come together 和 share their 经验s; learning from each other 把他们在课堂上学到的东西和他们在课堂上看到的东西联系起来 他们的实习. 的 use of technology (blogging, Blackboard, Zoom, 等.)可以帮助你在GVSU地理区域以外的地方实习.


实习经历的学分授予是确定的 by the student’s academic department. Some programs have one person who oversees all internships in a particular major, while 其他人 have students work with their individual faculty advisor or a faculty who has expertise 在 student’s internship area. 因为实习 play such a valuable role in future employment, we encourage faculty 不仅要考虑实习与学术的相关性 内容,但如何适应学生的最终职业目标. 

许多学生最终从事的工作领域与科学间接相关 their major, often it’s the internship 经验 that has either guided this or helped the student acquire the necessary skills to be successful in a particular field. 为 these types of 经验s, it is even more critical that the student work with the internship site 主管和教员实习协调员建立强 学习目标. 

评价 & 评估

与任何课程一样,重要的是评估和评估 effectiveness of your internship program. 出于这个原因,它是 helpful to establish goals for your program each year. 例子 include increasing the number of students participating, establishing 新的实习安排网站,更新补充阅读 材料等. Receiving feedback from both your students 和 employers can help you consistently evaluate 和 improve your program.



重要的是要注意,学生可以在静止时获得报酬 receiving academic credit for an internship - in fact we encourage it! 法律ly, employers must follow the Department of Labor’s Fair Labor 标准的行为. 的 七个 点测试 should be used by an employer when evaluating the 付款的合法性.


因为实习通常是兼职和临时的,所以实习生是 typically not afforded any medical or insurance benefits. 它是高度 建议雇主将实习生纳入劳工保险 compensation; however they are not legally obligated to do so.


在大多数情况下,当一个学生获得学分时 实习期间,GVSU的责任范围扩大到学生,并且 通常,就业中心的在线实习协议是一个 学生、雇主和学校之间有充分的合同. 博天堂官方的风险 管理 department is a great resource regarding liability questions. 

Some departments 和 employers have specific Affiliation Agreements 在适当的地方概述了由雇主和 学术部门(这些是更典型的经验 临床设置). 为 questions about what is appropriate for your 部门,请联系 瑞秋 Becklin 在就业指导中心.


为-Credit 实习 with Health Organizations

大峡谷州立大学的学生、教师或志愿者(助理) 大学(GVSU)可以参加临床和非临床 training activities at affiliated health facilities.  为了成为 protective of everyone involved, your health 和 the health 和 safety of the community in which you may serve; certain participation guidelines have been established.

传染病在许多临床疾病中都很常见 training sites 和 may be a threat to our associates.  在 performance of clinical training, fieldwork, research or internship activities, our associates may interact 和 be exposed to clients 和 研究参与者的疾病包括但不限于 tuberculosis (TB), hepatitis B (HBV), influenza, other infections.

大学 policy, state, federal statutory regulations, 附属机构的认证标准要求我们的 associates comply with certain health, safety 和 legal requirements applicable to their occupation 和 that those individuals demonstrate particular cognitive 和 clinical competencies consistent with their program’s minimum practice st和ards.  As such, GVSU is contractually m和ated to ensure all associates attain 和 maintain full compliance with each program’s compliance requirements.

确保适当的 健康合规, 发送学生的姓名、电子邮件、实习地点、 和 brief internship description to the 健康合规 办公室, who will follow-up with the students regarding any 必要的文书工作. 


How do I create an internship course for my academic program?

大学 课程委员会 h和les a variety of decisions related to curriculum matters including changes to courses, introduction of new courses, or changes in curriculum requirements. 

How many hours should a student work?

这因部门而异,但通常50小时的工作时间 equivalent to one credit hour, so a student earning three credit hours will work 150 hours or 10-15 hours/week. 这对……很重要 学生要和雇主一起建立一个固定的时间表 确保雇主和学生的需求都得到了满足.

What if an employer 联系s me to make a student referral?

While it is okay to personally inform select students of a potential 机会,以确保你遵守大学的平等就业机会 st和ards, it is also recomm结束ed you s结束 this to the 职业中心 广泛发表于 握手

What are some helpful resources to use when developing an internship program?

从你的同事开始! 的re are some very well-developed 由你在GVSU的同事监督的实习项目. 几 例子包括 写作, 心理学, 和 运动科学.  

Professional organizations 和 research firms such as AAC格式&U (协会 American Colleges 和 Universities) 实习生桥, 体验学会 教育 provide great resources on their websites. 你也可以 想退房吗? NACE (全国大学和雇主协会)就业 统计及资料.


Page last modified March 26, 2024