Alumni in 5

Alumni in 5

Kelly Holst-Haley '11 Spotlight

Kelly Holst-Haley '11

Being a part of Campus Ministry is my favorite GV memory. We always had a lot of fun and I met some of my best friends through there.

Liana Vultaggio (Periard) '16 Spotlight

Liana Vultaggio (Periard) '16

My favorite GVSU memory is meeting one of my good friends, Claire. We attended a "camp" called Scholars Institute through the Honors College, which started a week before our freshman year kicked off.

Robert Zinger '12 Spotlight

Robert Zinger '12

I have fond memories of spending time in nature at GVSU while hiking the ravines for samples and measurements during the NRM course called The Climatic Factor as well as during the Rowing I course I finally got enrolled in my senior year.

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Page last modified May 19, 2021