MSPC 2024获奖名单

祝贺2024年获奖海报的创作者!  奖金为144美元, $96, 第一名将获得72美元奖金, 2nd, 每个年级都是第三名, 分别.  这些参赛学校还将获得象征这一荣誉的奖牌.


  • First Place: Adalyn Michels; Explorer Elementary School; "What Do People In Our Class Think 博天堂官方网页 Reading and Writing?"
  • 第二名:哈德利·托马斯, Zainab Hodzic, 米利暗Roosien, and Aliyana LaBarre; Explorer Elementary School; "How Do People Feel 博天堂官方网页 Cupcakes?"
  • Third Place: Sadie Pegman and Aubrey Krupp; Explorer Elementary School; "What Kinds of Things Do Our Classmates Do In All Seasons?"

4 - 6年级

  • First Place: Jacob Rader; Bennie Elementary; "Lunch Waste"
  • 第二名:阿莫德·V, 卡洛琳Z, and Darshana T; Discovery Elementary School; "What do 3rd, 4th, 和五年级思考气候变化?"
  • Third Place: Taylor B, Layne K, and Mary M; Discovery Elementary School; "What are 4th 学生最喜欢的三丽鸥角色?"

成绩7 - 9

  • First Place: Rachel LaPorte; Corpus Christi Catholic School; "Representation of Males vs. “Youtube十亿点击俱乐部的女性”
  • Second Place: Grayson Stulp and Kyle Dover; Dutton Christian School; "Nikola Tesla vs. 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦”
  • Third Place: Miki Jimenez; Corpus Christi Catholic School; "How Has Global Warming Affected the Ocean?"

10 - 12年级

  • First Place: Juliana Velez and Shabiha Didar; Macomb Mathematics Science Technology Center; "Coca Cola vs. 百事可乐”
  • 第二名:Vivian Bui, 纳Wilcox-Smith, and Nafeesah Miah; Macomb Mathematics Science Technology Center; "Talk to Me in Your Love Language"
  • Third Place: Jason Shaye; Kalamazoo Area Math & Science Center; "Blazing Myths: Exploring Wildfire Effects on U.S. 哮喘利率”
