

请看下面的视频(带音乐)!),在获胜的海报周围平移和缩放,以显示所有整洁的细节. 特别感谢马克·阿德里安(丹的爸爸)做了这些!  点击每个缩略图的右下方,使视频全屏显示.  (请注意,这些视频需要几秒钟才能加载.)


第一名:奥利维亚·莉, 阿米莉亚Herlein, Jackson Farrar; Explorer Elementary School; "What can we learn about how students take care of their bodies?"

第二名:祈福月, 以斯拉约翰逊, Max Grostic; Explorer Elementary School; "What are students' opinions about school?"

第三名:杰克·霍尔达, Nina Sefer; Explorer Elementary School; "How do students manage their mental health?"

第四名:塞吉·萨莱斯, 阿玛Podrug, Kenay Muniz-Perez; Explorer Elementary School; "What can we learn about students' cultures?"

第五名:德克兰·史蒂文斯, 亨利Pluim, Jaxson林德, Eyman Adkins; Explorer Elementary School; "What do students think about history?"


第一名:莉莉·特雷宾, 紫林鸽, 奥利维亚·皮尔森, Osyana Calandrino; Central Woodlands 5/6 School; "Porosity of Rocks"

Second Place: Mason Shane; Discovery Elementary; "What Are Kids Favorite Books?"

第三名:罗比·朗格拉克, 艾萨克•鲍曼, Connor Palmer; Discovery Elementary; "Do Students Get Better Grades in Subjects They Like?"

第四名:奥黛丽·麦奎尔, 布鲁克林Thomasma, Jennifer Driver; Explorer Elementary; "Taylor Swift Statistics"

5th place: Kevin Harris, Yvan Nguyen; Discovery Elementary; "What is the Most Common Cookie?"


First Place: Alexis Sturtevant, Marshall Szlapa; Armada High School; "How Often Are Teachers & 学生玩手机?"

Second Place: Austin Goetgeluck, Jackson Malburg; Armada High School; "What is the #1 Food Group?"

第三名:Ema Bekic, Reese Mickelsen; Forest Hills Northern High School; "Musee d'Orsay or Louvre: That is the Question"

4th place: Ethan Koss, James Raicevich; Armada High School; "Is There a Correlation? 睡眠 & GPA”

5th place: Abigail Groen, Aubrey Alcini; Armada High School; "What Do You See?"


First Place: Audrey Rinck; Koinonia Home School; "Blackbeard vs Blackbelt"

Second Place: Eileen Zhan; Forest Hills Central High School; "Who is more likely to enjoy football as their favorite sport? 性别的影响 & 以往的运动经历”

Third Place: Collin Hoffer, Teddy Kremer; Catholic Central; "Energy Drinks vs. 咖啡”

4th place: Thalia Johnson; Catholic Central; "Coffee vs Tea"

5th place: Mary Finkler, Anna Lee; Catholic Central; "Do you stop at stop signs?"
