PCE的学生 & 校友聚光灯

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工程专业的学生 & 校友



"I was born and raised in Holland, 密歇根, and I used to dream of becoming an architect. 我的父亲,鲍勃·邦奇克,参与了 第一个 20多年来,它一直在我的生活中. 我妈妈米歇尔·邦奇克是我14年的导师,她经常带我去 第一个 当我还小的时候,我就会看到机器人是多么有趣.  自然, 当我上高中的时候, 我加入了107团队,爱上了工程学,也爱上了成为一名工程师的想法.

高中毕业后, I went to 大峡谷州立大学 (GVSU) for Product Design and Manufacturing Engineering. 我在高中的时候就对机械工程产生了浓厚的兴趣, GVSU非常适合我. 因为GVSU举办了一个 第一个 活动(现为西密歇根地区活动), 我有机会看到了这所大学和它的热情 第一个.  GVSU有很棒的合作项目, 毕业前我通过在JR自动化的实习获得了工作经验. 毕业后, I continued to work at JR Automation and shifted from an intern to a full-time mechanical engineer, 哪个才是真正的理想工作! 我不仅在那里认识很多人,因为很多员工都是志愿者 第一个 但我整天和机器人玩是有报酬的——你能想到更好的工作吗?"




小阿齐兹·格拉姆·萨罕.他是2022届的毕业生,一直热爱数学和汽车. 学习机械工程似乎很自然. 当找到合适的大学的时候, it was Grand Valley’s hands-on learning environment that brought Aziz all the way from London, 去英国攻读学位. “What drew me to Grand Valley was the hands-on aspect of the engineering program,阿齐兹说。. “我需要切实的反馈,让我觉得自己可以在自己的领域有所成长.”

虽然一切似乎都很到位,但阿齐兹表示,事情并不总是那么容易. 尤其是在物理方面. “当我第一次来到这里时,我感到的一件事就是自信. 我很聪明,所以我认为我应该能在物理上取得好成绩.阿齐兹说。. “我立刻遇到了障碍. 我知道我很努力,但我没有看到任何结果. 只是一堆失败的测试.”

阿齐兹对数学的热爱陪伴着他度过了难关. 他不断练习,坚持不懈,花时间摸索新的学习方法. 很快,阿齐兹就从需要家庭教师变成了自己的家庭教师. He credits much of his improvement to the relationships he has built with his professors. “我最喜欢大峡谷的一点是教室的大小. 它使我能够实时拦住我的教授提问. 教授们真的很想帮忙, 这些关系确实让我成长,他说.


Stephen Wierenga

Stephen Wierenga

工程学院的校友, Stephen Wierenga, 最近得到了艾伦代尔扶轮社的认可, 因为他对社区的贡献而获得了本土英雄奖. 他是Allendale Chamber of Commerce董事会的成员, was involved in the crucial efforts undertaken by 3DC19 to create personal protective equipment in response to COVID-19, 也是感知工程的创始人, an Allendale-based engineering firm focused on providing design assistance and high quality engineering solutions.

Stephen completed his degree in mechanical engineering at 大峡谷州立大学 in 2012 and met his wife during his time as a student at GVSU. They liked living in Allendale so much that they decided to make it their permanent home. 毕业后, 斯蒂芬在杜威制造公司工作, 他在GVSU奥利弗医疗包装实习之前在哪里工作过. It was there that Stephen noticed a business need for reliable engineering contractors in order to help level-load the design work of company engineering departments. Stephen got into additive manufacturing and 3D printing in 2013 and decided to make contract work his career. 杜威制造公司是他签约的第一家公司. 随着商业机会的增长, Stephen reached out to friends in the 大急流城 region and invited them to serve as subcontractors. 团队在斯蒂芬家的地下室工作. Stephen officially formed Perception Engineering in 2013 and hired his first employee in 2016. 现在,他们的八名员工团队在艾伦代尔工业园区工作. 在这个过程中, 斯蒂芬发现了他对创业的热情, 发展中国家的人, 领导项目.


职业安全 & 健康管理专业学生 & 校友



拉里·洛格斯登是第一位职业安全专家 & 大峡谷州立大学健康管理专业的学生, 在课程的发展中发挥了重要作用. 拉里对职业安全的兴趣 & 他的父亲在一次工伤事故中不幸去世后,他开始健康起来.  看了事故报告后, 拉里想尽可能多地了解职业安全.  当他开始他的职业生涯时,他是赫尔曼米勒公司的工具工程师, he eventually became the company’s first Corporate Safety Manager due to his interest in the topic.  为了在他的角色上取得成功,他希望尽可能多地学习, Larry connected with two GVSU professors who had been considering developing a four-year health and safety program. 那次谈话促成了一段长期的合作关系,学院邀请拉里来帮忙.  They formed an advisory committee of local professionals to investigate industry needs and obtain feedback on the proposed curriculum.  职业安全 & GVSU开设了健康课程,拉里就报名了. 

对于那些不熟悉职业安全与健康的人, 拉里喜欢用防损来描述这个领域.  “如果我保证人们的安全, I save my company money in worker’s compensation and the potential for other unwanted liabilities.在回顾自己的职业生涯时, Larry feels more undergraduate students should enter the field of 职业安全 and 健康管理. “对我来说,这是一个伟大的职业,我喜欢它,”他说.  Larry recommends current students consider OSH careers in both industry and government and feels loss prevention, 工业卫生, 人体工程学是很好的途径.  “Take all the science you can as an undergrad,” Larry advised for those entering the profession. 




“我的名字是山姆Miglieri,我于2019年毕业于全球之声职业健康计划. 不久之后,我意识到工程师这个职业并不适合我, I found myself in Professor Huizen’s office hearing about the program and the different career opportunities within the OSH degree. 一开始我以为他满口胡言,但他说得对. The courses prepared me to excel right out of the gate in both my internship at a meat manufacturing facility in South Holland, 我现在在芝加哥一家电气承包商负责建筑安全. 我选择了一条路, but my friends and former classmates in the same courses are just as successful in different roles all over the place, 从化工厂到保险公司.

在我目前的职位上, I am the Field Safety Manger where most of my work entails investigating and solving jobsite safety issues. 这包括所有与建筑相关的东西, from inspecting a freshly dug trench to walking a roof with a foreman to determine the best fall protection system. 你永远不知道在建筑安全中你会得到什么. 它是快节奏的,不断变化的,精神刺激的,绝对不是每个人都适合. 早期的早晨, 很长时间的车, 户外环境充斥着你的生活, 但看到你的建议在现场变成现实,这一切都是值得的.

I was nervous to make the major and ultimately career switch at the time from engineering to OSH, 但是,老实说, 这是我做过的最好的决定. The GV OSH program gave me the kickstart I needed to get my feet under me and start my professional career."



在大峡谷州立大学上学时, 我原本在攻读医学学位. 在三年的时间里,我四次改变了我的学位路径. I reached a point where I felt like a medical career wasn't sparking my interest as much as another industry could. 我只是还不知道那个行业是什么! I found out about the safety industry and was surprised that it was something I didn't think of before. 成长的过程中, I was always the "safety nerd" who made sure my friends would look both ways before crossing the street, volunteered as a "safety" in elementary school to help assist students on and off the bus, 甚至在四年级的万圣节打扮成“超级安全”. 甚至在大学的时候,我就在校园里当过交警! 所以反思我的生活, 我意识到安全一直是我的热情所在,而我甚至没有意识到. The same day I had this realization was the same day I applied for GVSU's 职业安全 and 健康管理 program. 在项目的最后一年,我在Founders Brewing Co .实习. 毕业后成为全职的EHS协调员." 

"The thing I love most about my job is being able to use problem solving skills and creativity to find solutions to keep others safe. I really enjoy being able to work with the employees who are on the floor since they're the ones performing the hazardous tasks. 这就是为什么我认为和他们合作很重要, 让他们参与事件预防过程, and listen to their ideas and concerns to create and implement effective and safe solutions. They usually have solutions and ideas of their own that they've thought of while doing the job, 所以我非常重视他们的意见. 如果你听他们说的话, you can come up with a solution that is safe and is something the user will actually want to do. Doing this builds trust to the point where the employees feel comfortable voicing other safety concerns that they've had. This creates an opportunity to solve a problem that you may not have ever known about if that employee had not communicated it. 我想说,我最自豪的是与员工建立起信任."

