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Student research, projects shine on Student Scholars Day

Hundreds of students unveiled their projects, discussing with peers, faculty and mentors their research, data and methods while developing an empowered learning experience.

Apr 10, 2024

Reach Higher Showcase exhibits will include student group's approach to interfaith understanding

An Interfaith Photovoice project will be among the 100-plus exhibits at Friday's Showcase at the DeVos Center.

Apr 9, 2024

Chemistry faculty member named a top public university undergraduate educator

Brad Wallar received the 2024 Michigan Distinguished Professor of the Year Award.

Apr 9, 2024

GVSU in photos: Solar eclipse viewing event draws more than 1,000

The Physics Department hosted the gathering outside Kirkhof Center.

Apr 8, 2024

Building a Rainforest Innovation Ecosystem: Confluence Thought Series looks at expanding regional creative capacity

Free event for GVSU community brings leaders together to share, learn new ideas for creating a creative community that competes and cooperates.

Apr 8, 2024

West Michigan economy growing modestly: GVSU researcher

Brian Long, director of supply management research at the Seidman College of Business, said several metrics in his monthly report rose in March and hinted at a recession-free 2024.

Apr 8, 2024

Student Scholars Day to celebrate research, creative projects

Hundreds of Grand Valley student researchers and artists will showcase and discuss their projects during the annual event on April 10.

Apr 4, 2024

Safely observe solar eclipse, hear from experts at Physics Department viewing event

The April 8 event in front of the Kirkhof Center will include devices to safely take in the phenomenon.

Apr 3, 2024

Top students will be recognized at annual award convocation

The Student Award Convocation on April 8 will recognize top scholars and students who will receive Excellence-in-a-Discipline Award.

Apr 2, 2024

Learn about ancient object that inspired 'The Dial of Destiny' in Indiana Jones movie

A leading scholar on the Antikythera Mechanism will visit GVSU April 5 to discuss the artifact.

Apr 1, 2024