研究生院 Citations for Academic Excellence

研究生院 Citations for Academic Excellence were created to recognize outstanding academic achievement of graduate students. Awards are given to students who have completed their program or are very close to completion.

研究生院 began awarding the Citations in the Spring of 2006 at the first-ever Graduate Student Celebration. The ceremony is devoted exclusively to recognition of the academic excellence of graduate students during their studies at 大峡谷州立大学. The Graduate Student Association (GSA) co-hosts this event, 包括招待会和颁奖典礼吗.



5:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Reception - DeVos Center- Loosemore Auditorium

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Awards Ceremony - DeVos Center- Loosemore Auditorium

请浏览 GSA的网站 以了解更多有关教员提名的资料.


在典礼上, we recognize graduate students who have demonstrated excellence in their academic careers at GVSU. 研究生院 Citations for Excellence also include university-wide recognition in these areas:






6) Award for Excellence in Service to the Community/Profession

7) Award for Excellence in Leadership/Service to GVSU

8) Award for Excellence in Promoting Diversity and Inclusion at GVSU


Graduate students who are graduating in the current semester are eligible for these awards.




4月19日, 研究生院 honored individuals who have distinguished themselves in graduate education at 大峡谷州立大学. This year was a record-breaking ceremony with 81 student awardees! 研究生院 Citation Awards for Academic Excellence are given to recognize the accomplishments of our students and faculty. 

研究生院 Citation Awards recognize excellence in academic performance in several categories. Graduate students are nominated for these awards by staff or faculty members, 顾问, 研究生项目主任, 部门主席或学校主管. 教师由学生提名. The Associate Vice-Provost for the Graduate School reviews the nominees and approves the final selection.

大峡谷州立大学 is extremely proud of the accomplishments of these graduate students and graduate faculty members. 祝贺大家!

有关得奖者的完整名单,请参阅 这篇文章.


Graduate students are nominated for these awards by their major 顾问, 研究生项目主任, 以及系主任或学校主任, and/or other faculty and staff engaged in graduate education that are familiar with the individual student's accomplishments in the specific areas noted. The nominees are reviewed by the Associate Vice-Provost for 研究生院 in consultation with others involved in graduate education. Final selection is made by the Associate Vice-Provost for the Graduate School. Each recipient is granted a certificate of recognition and a graduate honors cord.




Each year the Graduate Student Association asks graduate students to nominate faculty members that have made an impact upon them in a variety of ways. The three awards seeking nominations are the 金博科融入奖, 杰出导师奖, 以及优秀研究生教学奖. Detailed descriptions for each of the awards can be found in the subsequent links below. The nominees will be reviewed by 研究生院 and the Graduate Student Association and the winners will be announced at 研究生院 Citations for Academic Excellence 2024年4月19日. 所有的提名 填妥的表格 必须寄到 (电子邮件保护) 不迟于 2024年3月25日,星期一.

Graduate students are invited to nominate a faculty member that they feel deserves special recognition for teaching, 杰出的学问或创造性的工作, or noteworthy service in moving GVSU graduate education toward being a more diverse and inclusive community. 该奖项旨在表彰李博士的成就. 普里西拉Kimboko, GVSU的第一任研究生教育院长, 代表了她对这些价值观的承诺.

Graduate students are invited to nominate faculty members they feel deserve special recognition for exemplary mentorship. An outstanding mentor encourages the development of individual talent through advising graduate level research and promoting professional development opportunities beyond the classroom, assists in promoting successful transition from graduate studies to employment, sponsors students and their work in and beyond the campus community, acts as an advocate and leader in administrative and professional matters, and demonstrates respect and a sincere and active interest in the well-being of students.

Graduate students are invited to nominate faculty members they feel deserve special recognition for exemplary teaching. A faculty member who exhibits exemplary teaching contributes to graduate student development by using thoughtful and creative methods of instruction, maintains a level of academic rigor commensurate with graduate education, 协助深入理解课程内容, 以充满活力和包容性的方式吸引学生, and demonstrates respect and a sincere and active interest in the educational development of students.

所有的提名 填妥的表格 必须寄到 (电子邮件保护) 不迟于 2024年3月25日,星期一.
